Friday, March 6, 2015

On Love, and The Top 7 Things Your Single Friends Do Not Want to Hear

I should prob try that
The title of this here little blog is 'Live, Love, Run'.  I pretty much talk about my life ad nauseam and there's always mention of running thrown in there too, but you may have noticed there hasn't been much talk of love lately.  I mean, I wish that weren't the case, but there hasn't been much to report in that area.  I haven't been doing much dating lately.  There have been some attempts and some dates here and there but nothing exciting to report. 
Also I've abandoned Tinder.  Here's a tip: If you want to see where 95% of your city's misogynists hang out, go on Tinder.  I guess I knew going in that it was pretty much a s*itshow and I can definitely confirm for you that is the case!  Additionally, I just read this article yesterday that states if you want to upgrade to Tinder's new premium version they are going to charge double the price if you are over 30!?!?  First of all, I'd never pay for Tinder, but second and more importantly, age discrimination much?!  I thought I couldn't hate Tinder any more but I officially do.  #boycottingforlife
Dating is definitely harder in your 30's for many reasons.  The big one for me is that just about all of my friends/family/sisters/relatives are years deep into their marriages and have kids and families of their own.  [I have participated in, attended and planned more bridal showers, bachelorette parties, weddings and baby showers than I can count.  My closet legit looks like Katherine Heigl's in '27 Dresses'.]  This significantly reduces not only the time I spend with them, but the possibility that they have any single friends with which I can mingle!  When we were in our 20's we were all in the same boat - going out, having fun pretty much any time we wanted, and there were lots of single people in the mix.  That just isn't the case anymore.  People are either spending massive amounts of time at their job, or they're at home with their kids and families.

Today I'm going to run down a list of some of the most overused and clichéd pieces of advice I've been given over the years.  If you're single, you've probably heard a bunch of these and rolled your eyes too.  If you're not single, and you're tempted to say any of these things to someone who is, I'd advise against it.  We really can't bear to hear them one more time!

1.  Have you tried online dating? 
This one usually comes from relatives in their 60's and/or people in relationships who have never once tried online dating.  Yes, we've tried online dating.  Anyone who is single in this day and age has tried online dating, and NEWSFLASH it's not some magic pill for finding the love of your life.  It may work for some people but not for everyone.  Do I think everyone is and should be a runner?  No.  There are many different ways to exercise just as there are many different ways to meet people.  Online dating is not the be-all, end-all. 

2.  It'll happen when you least expect it.
Oh I love this one. What does this even mean?! Do you even know what you're saying?  I haven't expected it for years and nothing ever happened.  So I just disproved your tried-and-true theory.

3.  You're not putting yourself out there enough.
Again, what does this mean?! I work, I go to the gym, I hang out with YOU, my friends, my family. I travel. I am not a hermit living under a rock.  Ohhhhh, perhaps you meant I need to 'let it all hang out' and dress more provocatively? Gotcha.  I'll try that.  That's probably a good look for a nanny.

4.  You're not trying hard enough.
Really?  I find this one to be particularly judgmental.  Most of the people I know who say this met their significant other/husband/etc in the normal course of their life.  They didn't have to go through the trials of online dating, blind dates, etc that we do now.  And honestly, I don't follow the school of belief that says dating is just a 'numbers game', ie. the more people you date, the more likely you are to find the love of your life.  If I go out and buy 100 lottery tickets, I'm just as likely to win as the guy who just bought 1.  I know people who barely dated at all and got married young and there are people out there who are serial daters and still not settled down.  The number of people you date really is not relevant.  Would you ever tell someone who was trying to conceive that perhaps they're just not TRYING hard enough?  No?  That would be insensitive and inappropriate, you say? Well, I agree and it's not appropriate here either, so zip it.

5.  You'll get married if you want to.
Ummmmmm, I want to win the lottery.  Like I really, really want to win. Do you think that will happen too?!  Or did you  mean I should consider becoming a mail-order bride because that's a sure thing??  This is another one that doesn't even make any sense.  Just don't.

6.  You're not in the right time/place/etc in your life.
Hmmm.  What exactly is the right place and when will it be the right time?  Cause if you could give me a roadmap or timeline that would be really helpful.  I don't like this one because it implies that we're currently doing something WRONG with our lives and until we figure out what, it's just not going to happen.  So not only are all my dating attempts futile in this current time/place, but now I also have to try to solve some kind of riddle as to what I should actually be doing/living in order to attract a mate.

7.  It'll happen when it's supposed to.
Cliché.  Vague.  Not helpful.  Pretty much meaningless and a waste of words.

I wanted to make this a Top 10 list because it sounded cooler but I couldn't think of 3 more at the current moment!  There are probably a ton I've forgotten or missed here.  Believe me, I've been the recipient of a lot of these over the years.  But the point I'm trying to make is that when we're feeling lonely, or hopeless, or frustrated, we just want to be heard, and listened to.  We don't want to be blamed, or judged, or hear clichéd statements that have no meaning.  Just try being the friend we know you are and listen without telling us that it's our fault.  If you're lucky, we might not make the bridesmaid dresses for our future wedding THAT hideous :)

Exactly what I plan on doing
If you're single, have you heard any of these?!  How do you respond?
If you're attached, what do you say to your single friends?


  1. I think that we could also include each of those things in "top 7 things not to say to someone looking for a job." I've been there, I know.
    I got my first taste of Tinder this past weekend with Don and Erica (we were checking out Phoenix biddies, you know. I just can't imagine dating in that world. I am so lucky, and I know it!

    1. Yes, totally agree Suze. And lucky you for checking out Tinder. It's a real treat huh?!

  2. Oh, I heard all of this so many times! I hated "it'll happen when you least expect it" the most. :-)

    1. Yeah they all pretty much stink! Haha Sometimes we just want a listening ear

  3. UGH. Yes. My friends and family are really decent about not saying this stuff to me but it's all still out there in the world. Also my hairdresser. I just...I know that my life won't be magically better when I find "the one" but I am really flipping sick of thinking/worrying about it.

    1. Oh you're lucky. I've been told all of these things by friends and fam! I hear you though. It's like it's always hanging over my head. Sometimes I worry it will never happen and it stresses me out :(

  4. I met my current boyfriend online dating after being in a 9 year relationship right out of high school. I was single for about 2 years and honestly, being single was HARD WORK! Omg it's so hard when most of the people around are in long term relationships and everyone else you meet that is not is well how do you say ummmm "not really looking to date". Even the people you meet online on DATING websites really don't want to date. WTF ppl. I almost totally wrote off dating but figured I would finish the month out when I met my current BF. It's work. Anyone that says anything different is lying and they don't want to think it would be hard to meet someone right now. Good luck and never settle. EVER! :)

    1. Oh you are so right. Dating is really HARD! It's like weeding through a garden and never coming out with a harvest! Your story is inspiring though. I am trying to keep hope alive over here!

  5. Well, I've been married for 26 years, so I never really heard any of these things, but I wouldn't say them to anyone either!

    1. Aww Coco that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! And glad you wouldn't say these to a struggling single gal looking for love :)

  6. I have heard alllll of these! I just tune people out and/or tell them that my plan of action is to become the cat lady that I already am. <3

    1. Hahahaha I love it Farrah. I have cats too so I should prob fire that line back too

  7. Thanks for the comment! Glad I found you. Cracking up, my post is so much like mine. You did hit some good ones that I didn't..."have you tried online dating" and "Are you putting yourself out there enough" killed me as well. I went through ebbs and flows of dating. Usually once a year I took a break...then I would always go back! Tinder is a joke. It should be renamed "DTF." As you read I had good luck with eharm, but also did match for years. When it came to online I always thought, why not? It's just one more way...although it cost me a pretty penny.
