Friday, January 30, 2015

They Never Get Easier...

They never get easier, the Goodbyes
The Hellos, and especially the In-Betweens, that's what we live for
That's the good stuff
The long walks to get you to nap, and reading your favorite books over and over
Your first taste of solids and discovering there is food beyond milk -
Learning avocados are a 'no' but oatmeal gets a big 'yes'
The first words, and shaky first steps
Trips to the park and collecting every rock by the side of the road
Trains, trains, everywhere trains
Coloring outside the lines
Squealing as we run through the rain
Snuggles and cuddles and your hands in mine
All the little moments that add up to big memories
Childcare is a selfless act
An art, a calling, and anything but a 'job'
It's early mornings and late nights
With no thoughts of 'getting ahead'
To care for another, despite no linked DNA
Is truly an act of love
It's knowing that you may not be remembered,
But you will always remember
It's the way you made a difference in their life,
And the difference they made in yours
It starts slowly at first,
The way those little hands make prints on your heart
But they become permanent over time
And with every new child, your heart accommodates more
But babies grow up
And become children who go to school
To learn and grow
And become who they were meant to be
And so we say our Goodbyes
But they never gets easier...


“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” ~ Forest E. Witcraft
Emotional week for me.  That is all for now.
Happy Weekend to you all.


  1. This was beautiful, I'm guessing someone hit a milestone or had a birthday, but hope you have a happy weekend as well :)


  2. Oh. So sweet, so many emotions. Have a happy weekend, even if it was a bit of a heavy week.

  3. I can resonate with this right now...thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend <3

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you could relate - and thanks for stopping by!

  4. That is very well written. Definitely can understand the emotions.
